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Monday, July 25, 2011

Computer -Mediated Communications in Personal Relationships by Wright and Webb

I really enjoyed this book a lot. Since this is a burgeoning discipline that ties in many facets of philosophy, sociology, psychology, humanism, communication, visual ergonomics, and technology. We are witnessing the dawn of a new era of human interactions that is a dualistic personality of humanity and remote access, and yet both disciplines are tied together for the sake of convenience in mind. The authors in this book are writing the foundation of this new wave of instant communication. Is there still more the authors of this book haven’t investigated yet? I say it probably is so as technology keeps expanding so rapidly. However this book will be required reading for many years to come in classrooms dealing with human interaction as it provides a starting point for a journey with a span not yet determined.

So what are the strings attached? Since instant communications are becoming more numerous and ominous will the computer mediated communication de-evolve what we have learned? Are the numerous expressions, manners, and interactions being modified today without us realizing it when it is too late? The simple act of displaying friendships mean something more mysterious than our face to face interactions entail? As for the information age will people becoming more sealed off into their private world not needing to go outside and investigate the weather. Will populations decide what is pertinent from now on and simply eliminate certain facets of unused etiquette once they are forgotten. As our world of communications become more tethered to networks and mainframes can governments censor or block content that is deemed inappropriate or subversive. Or monitor what we are talking about?

Only in the decades to come will many questions about computer mediated communication be more understood by academia. One thing that is important to realize, the scholars and researchers for this overtly growing media are not old to make a hasty decisions, these individuals are young enough to stick with this process and study the nuances long enough to make a deliberation on their own terms with patience and persistence. 

1 comment:

  1. Hmm...interesting reflections! One of the takeaways for me is that CMC users are *not* sealed off in their private worlds - CMC is all about social interactions, relationship building and generally supplements face to face interactions.
