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Friday, July 15, 2011 Art Discussion Board Observations

An initial abstract about 1 month cross section of posted comments  from 6/15 2011 to 7/15 2011. Responses or replies are not noted.  A cache of older posts and threads are attainable to the date of February 2011 (as per this date 7/15).

I divided the topics in this art forum into 7 categories; Curriculum, Lesson, Resources, Technique, Business or personal advice, solicitation outreach, and political. From my impression of the identities of individuals participating trends include, pen name, real name, disclaimer name and or exclaimer name.

A breakdown of new topics for one month (not including replies)

* technique query (how can I use rigid wrap masks without vasaline……)—name
* business or personal advice (Interview on Tuesday)—name
* curriculum query (Art in High School)—name
* political comment (Bloomberg should teach……)—pen name
* lesson plan query (First Day of School)—pen name
* technique query (Hanging 500 pieces?)—name
* curriculum (Rotating art schedule)—pen name or directed towards individual
• curriculum (Summer Art Program) —full name
* resources (Help finding poster paint/markers)— name
* curriculum (Bellwork Assignments and Checking them)—pen name
* solicitation outreach (I need your vote for a community art grant)—pen name
* lesson plan query (Level readers for Art)—name
* curriculum query (Developing Curriculum for K-12)—name
* resources query (Help in how to write a standards-based textbook?)—pen name
* ed cognitive theory (Multiple Intelligences)—name
* lesson plan query (MS routines)—pen name
* curriculum query (pacing guide) —pen name
* lesson plan query (Too early, I know!!—First Day Back)—name
* resources query (what materials to order?)—disclaimer pen name
* resources query (Kids Art Fairs company)—disclaimer pen name
* curriculum query (Art schedules)—name
* business or personal advice (Mural Price)—name

Postings for Curriculum =8
Posting for Lesson =4
Posting for Resources =4
Posting for Technique =2
Posting for Business or Personal advice=2
Posting for Ed cognitive theory=1
Posting for Political comment=1
Posting for Solicitation outreach=1

Not reviewing the replies and posts for each topic, this board demonstrates tendencies for mostly curriculum, lesson, and resource queries.  Depending on the time of year this can also vary and yet be much more frequent, since this is July some posters are already getting ready for the 2011-2012 school year. Some teachers in year round school schedules have already started back to work. Many do not post during the summer at all.

From my interactions with this post since 2002 individuals posting a topic about something they are not familiar or seeking new expertise usually use a pen name or exclaimer identity, this is only my hypothesis as individuals in this forum may know each others real identity from numerous exchanges of communication. Or it is just a their own favored way to present identity to others?

In this initial research abstract I wish to understand the pre-requisites of art teachers in communication, or assumed knowledge they possess when exchanging ideas in lessons, or supplies. A mention of curriculum may also be interesting to note.  So called art teacher speak, underlying premise, reading and forming a mental imaging of a visual concept, supplies to order/use, and methods of practice.


  1. Great initial analysis of your data. A few questions:
    - How many total posts did you look at? Were some posts coded with more than one type of content, or did each post only cover one topic?
    - Can you define these for us: pen name, real name, disclaimer name and or exclaimer name? I understand what you mean by real name, but I am not sure what you mean by the other kinds of names.
    - What's the difference between curriculum, resource, lesson and technique? Can you define each of these as you are using them to code the data?
    - In your paper tell us a bit more about this forum. How long has it existed? How many members are there? What features exist on the website? etc.
    - In your last paragraph about your next steps in looking at the data, not sure what you mean by "reading and forming a mental imaging of a visual concept"?
    - I think this will be an interesting analysis!

  2. A total of 50 posts counting replies to the original topic posts, holds 50 but you can go into their cache and look back several months.

    From the forum I have noticed that identities vary according to the types of questions posted. Art teachers unsure of a new job or teaching in a new school or wanting advice go with a pen name or disclaimer name. Veteran posters go with pen name or sometimes their real name. Posters wishing to get the attention of an individual go with the exclaimer name. Whoever the exclaimer name is directed to I think they know who posted it. If an art teacher needs assistance will go with a real name to add credit and seriousness to their cause.

    Some samples
    pen name= "Crayon Queen"
    real name= "Donald Sauter" or "Carrie"
    exclaimer name= "Hey Art Teacher"
    disclaimer name= "transitioning"

    Curriculum and lessons tend to be put together some refer to them as units. has existed around 2001
